Hollywild Animal Park Benefit

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Hollywild Animal Park spread some holiday cheer this season with their Holiday Lights Safari Benefit, part of Hollywild’s HAP GIVES BACK campaign. Hollywild Animal Park set aside $1 for each admission paid by every car entering Hollywild’s holiday lights show during the show’s last week December 29th through January 3rd, raising a total of $1,019. That money was donated to the Ronald McDonald House to help fuel its mission to provide a home and support to critically ill or injured children and their families.

Not only is the Holiday Lights Safari Benefit a charitable event, it is also an award-winning event with nearly 100 acres of twinkling lights, a life-sized Nativity, holiday themed light sculptures, and even herds of live animals roaming the land.

A non-profit organization itself, Hollywild Animal Park decided to take the success of its light show and support other non-profits in the local community.
“So many have been helping us by supporting our Holiday Lights Safari Benefit and all it does to help care for our animals. We appreciate everyone who has attended, plans to attend, and those coming for a return visit to our holiday lights season.” Said Mary Lee Rollins, Hollywild’s Assistant Director. “HAP GIVES BACK is a chance to help spread that good will to others.”

This past holiday season marked the 24th year of the Holiday Lights Safari Benefit, but the 3rd year the benefit has donated a portion of its earnings to another local non-profit. The last two years Hollywild’s light show benefitted Relay for Life North Spartanburg.

“This year, Hollywild employees chose the Ronald McDonald House Charities to benefit from the campaign. This was in part to a long-time relationship Hollywild has with the McDonald’s team in Inman, and knowing how many families can benefit from services provided at the Ronald McDonald House in Greenville, SC,” said Kim Atchley, Director of Marketing & Public Relations for Hollywild.

The Ronald McDonald House greatly appreciates the support of Hollywild Animal Park and all it does for our local community.

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