Support RMHC Carolinas by Donating Pop Tabs
When large amounts of aluminum pop tabs are collected at the House, we take them to a recycling center. According to the price of aluminum, the recycling center gives us a check. This check goes back into the House for general operating expenses – keeping our doors open to continue to serve our families. Read below and watch the video for more information.
One Family’s Trash is Another Family’s Treasure
Collecting pop tabs is a fun and easy way to give back to the Ronald McDonald House in Greenville – perfect for all ages and groups. You may start collecting aluminum tabs in any large container. There is no need to count the tabs. Most organizations bring their tabs twice a year.
You may bring pop tabs to the House anytime our office is open—just check out our office hours! Make sure they are 100% aluminum (if a magnet sticks, it is not aluminum). Please mark your container (just one paper note will do for the whole donation) with the organization/individual’s name and address.
Million Tabs Club
The Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Carolinas began collecting aluminum pop tabs for membership in the Million Tabs Club on October 15, 2009. If you join, you will be welcomed as members of the club when you reach one million tabs collected. There is no expected end date in sight as we hope to eventually go to the billion club.
One pound equals approximately 1,000 tabs, therefore 1,000 pounds equals one million tabs. If you collect tabs in regular sized copy paper boxes, it takes about 50 to 55 (depending on how full you pack them) of those to make a million.
You are responsible for weighing and keeping track of the pounds you have collected. You are on the honor system! You do not have to wait to bring your tabs until you have a million tabs collected.
All Million Tabs Club members will receive a certificate and will be listed on the plaque which resides inside our House. We would love to have you or your group participate!
School Program
The Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Carolinas loves to partner with schools! The School Program is perfect for Beta Clubs, Honor Society, and any service club with volunteer hours. Feel free to use our resources below:
Buy a Pop Tab Bracelet
Many canned drinks have colored pop tabs. Our volunteers use those colored pop tabs to make unique bracelets (one size fits all). Pop Tab bracelets are sold for $10 each. The $10 covers a night for a family to stay at the House. All proceeds go directly to our House!