Pantry Partners

Whether you’re interested in giving money or time, there are many ways you can play a vital role in keeping hundreds of families close to their critically ill or injured child receiving treatment at a nearby medical facility.

Help us keep our pantry full!

The Ronald McDonald House provides meals for our families from a light continental breakfast, to canned items as well as snacks and drinks for on the go. We now have a monthly naming opportunity “Pantry Partners”. By supporting the pantry with a monthly contribution of $300.00 cash or gift cards ($10 per day) you can help with the needs of 24 families daily. You will be recognized with a plaque next to the pantry for the month you are sponsoring. Become part of the Heart of Our Kitchen! (Gift card suggestions: Visa, Publix, Bi-Lo, Walmart, etc.)

Please contact Michael Lanier for more info!

Thank you to our August and September Pantry Partner, Beth Cooper!

Other Ways To Participate