Pantry Partners

Whether you’re interested in giving money or time, there are many ways you can play a vital role in keeping hundreds of families close to their critically ill or injured child receiving treatment at a nearby medical facility.

Help us keep our pantry full!

The Ronald McDonald House provides meals for our families from a light continental breakfast, to canned items as well as snacks and drinks for on the go. We now have a monthly naming opportunity “Pantry Partners”. By supporting the pantry with a monthly contribution of $300.00 cash or gift cards ($10 per day) you can help with the needs of 24 families daily. You will be recognized with a plaque next to the pantry for the month you are sponsoring. Become part of the Heart of Our Kitchen! (Gift card suggestions: Visa, Publix, Bi-Lo, Walmart, etc.)

Thank you to our January and February pantry partner, Global Lending Services!

Please contact Michael Lanier for more info!

Thank you to our August and September Pantry Partner, Beth Cooper!

Other Ways To Participate