The Griffin’s Family Story

 In Family Stories

The Griffins RMHCC Story







The Griffin’s RMHC Family Story

Story By: McKenna Best



When Karen and her husband received legal custody of their then three-month old great-granddaughter, there was no way to predict all the curve balls that life would throw their way. Raising a child later in life brought unique challenges of its own, but perhaps the most difficult experience of them all was when their now ten-year old child, Amelia, began experiencing serious health complications this past March.

It started with an appendectomy and led to a three-week hospital stay, where Amelia had half of her small intestine removed. The Griffins, who are from North Carolina, did everything in their power to support and care for their granddaughter during this stressful and quite scary time in their lives. Karen’s husband stayed in the hospital with Amelia, while Karen trekked back and forth from North Carolina every day.

Exhausted, both physically and mentally, the Griffins needed relief. Thankfully, they were able to find that (and more) during their stay at Ronald McDonald Charities of the Carolinas.

“I was worn out, not to mention financially strained with gas being so high. Being able to stay at Ronald McDonald was a godsend for us. The house was comfortable, clean, and had a very friendly atmosphere. The bed was one of the most comfortable beds I had ever slept in. It felt like home away from home.” Karen said

With financial and emotional burdens lifted, The Griffin family found peace and renewed energy to cope the best way they knew how – together. And together, they discovered a sense of belonging, finding comfort in warm meals, freshly baked cookies, friendly faces, and space to breathe after long days in the hospital. Now, the family didn’t have to worry about what they would eat for dinner or endure the daily commute to and from North Carolina. They were able to give Amelia what she needed most–their undivided presence. Being vaguely familiar with RMH, Karen had always asked to round up in the McDonald’s drive thru, never imagining it would one day be part of her family’s story. Now when she rounds up, it means so much more.

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